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How Sail Is Revolutionizing
The Industry

Sail: Your all-in-one medical cannabis solution, bridging the gap between practitioners, patients, and RMDs (Registered Marijuana Dispensaries). Experience simplified, secure, and data-driven cannabis care at your fingertips.

Patient-Centric Features

Discover how Sail prioritizes patient well-being with tailored solutions for informed decision-making and personalized care.


Patient Education

Patients will receive account setup assistance during clinic visits to access educational resources .


Global Community Access

Gain entry to a worldwide community and dedicated support network.


Sail Cannabis Journal

The Sail Cannabis Journal: Your Comprehensive Resource for Industry Insights.

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What Does Sail Provide?

Registered Marijuana Dispensaries (RMDs) Features

Sail transforms the RMD experience with innovative features including digital menus, educational webinars, customizable metrics, and interactive presentations. These tools enhance patient engagement, streamline operations, and empower staff to provide informed care, ensuring a seamless journey for all involved.


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Sail Cannabis

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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ section where we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you navigate our services more effectively. Here, you’ll find detailed answers about how to utilize the Sail Cannabis platform.

Can I see / visit the site?

Yes, you can access additional information at

Why do I (the RMD) need Sail?

Sail will aid in acquiring new patients and retaining existing patients at the shop. Would you want to miss out on having your products displayed before any other platform is opened? Sail aims to target the new market that is currently not visiting shops and just going to the BM.

What is the cost?

Free for patients, 13% total purchase per patient—> 5% go back to patient for return visit to shop. Other incentives will be demonstrated with continued use of Sail platform by the patient.

How is this different than any other locating service?
  • The discounts are most notably the difference because Sail pays for those coupons in hopes to bridge the gap between patient and dispensary.
  • Patients become aware of the RMDs at the earliest stage possible in the cannabis process.
  • Digital menus and mock packaging are displayed at clinical level.
  • RMDs have the option to loop a presentation or short video in the CCD offices for additional branding and awareness.
  • One-on-one education to patient describing how platform works takes the confusion away from how to sign up and features offered to patient.
  • In addition to third-party marketing and educating, trackable and customizable metrics can be provided to RMDs to see what areas are most utilized or searched for.
How will this work with my POS? Does Sail integrate with POS?

Create a discount button for Sail patients that display laminated card or digital photo or copy of Sail card from their smartphone. We will be asking for a monthly report of the discount codes and will pay / bill accordingly. We will be the ones who update the daily digital menus in clinics if needed. We are looking into integration options, but currently no full integrations.

Do the RMDs have permanent access to educational webinars for future looping in shops?


Do the RMDs pay for previously acquired patients?

Yes. If you do not want to play that’s fine. Wait and see if you are loosing [losing] business. More dispensaries, the better the program. You do not want to loose [lose] that patient to another participating RMD right?